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Публікація EN_version_v0.2

National Bank of Ukraine seeks the banking community's opinion on the Code of Conduct and Business Practice for Interbank Market Participants

With the rapid development of the global financial market and the emergence of new financial instruments, issues related to ethical conduct of market participants are becoming more topical. In many advanced countries, Codes of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Market Participants are adapted and recommended for use.

The adherence to the standards of ethical and professional conduct by market participants cements investor confidence and has a positive impact on the financial market, while enhancing its transparency.

It is crucial that all market participants work in an honest and open manner, defending the interests of their clients.

This said, the National Bank of Ukraine invites the banking community to discuss the Code of Conduct and Business Practice for Interbank Market Participants.

Please send your comments and proposals within the next two weeks by e-mail to: [email protected]

We hope to that this move will be met positively by Ukraine's interbank market participants

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