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Market Surveys


The NBU conducts the following surveys:

  • Business outlook surveys (monthly and quarterly);
  • Lending surveys;
  • Surveys of financial analysts (professional forecasters') macroeconomic expectations;
  • Surveys of the top managers of Ukraine’s key financial institutions and companies regarding systemic risks in the financial sector.

The methodology used for conducting these surveys is in line with international standards. Surveys are a powerful communications tool and an effective instrument for measuring the efficacy of the central bank’s inflation-targeting regime. The findings of these surveys are used to support monetary policy decision-making process, monitor economic activity, and to conduct economic analyses. Surveys results are important for making mid-term forecasts of forward-looking macroeconomic indicators.

These surveys provide unique information about the development of the Ukrainian economy and the economic outlook. Surveys results can give quick filing of economic and financial sector areas that do not have official statistics. The surveys are also flexible: their questions or wording can be adapted to any situation, making the surveys an effective forecasting tool.


Survey data

Indicator / Period

monthly data

quarterly data

Monthly Business Outlook Survey



Inflation expectations



Exchange rate expectations
