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External Sector Statistics

The NBU compiles external sector statistics that reflect Ukraine’s role in the international trade of goods, services, and capital. External sector statistics provide information about Ukraine’s relations with the rest of the world. These statistics are used for economic policy decisions.

NBU external sector data include: 

  • The balance of payments, a statement that summarizes transactions between residents and non-residents during a period (year, quarter, month). Quarterly data on the balance of payments are published on the 75th - 80th day after the end of a reporting period. Data for previous periods may be revised to account for data updates, methodological revisions, and new sources of information. Annual data are considered final nine months after the end of a reporting period. Monthly data are published on between the 25th and 30th day after the end of a reporting period. Quarterly data are more detailed than monthly data. After quarterly data are published, monthly data are revised accordingly.
  • Foreign direct investment is defined as cross-border investments in enterprises with the purpose of establishing control or sustainable influence on the activities of the enterprise, which is achieved through equity participation.  Foreign direct investment statistics includs flows, stocks and income data that occur between direct investment relationships parties. Quarterly data are published 85-90 days after the end of the reporting period, detailed regional data - 100-105 days after the end of the reporting period.
  • The international investment position is a statement that shows the value  and composition of the financial assets of Ukrainian residents abroad and the value and composition of the financial assets of non-residents in Ukraine at the end of a quarter. International investment position data are published quarterly, on the 85th - 90th day after the end of a reporting period. The data can be revised for up to two years following the date of the first publication. A comment is added for each revision.
  • Gross external debt is a statistical statement about a country’s external liabilities on a given date. The data on gross external debt is published quarterly, on the 75th -  80th day after the end of a reporting period. The data can be revised for up to five quarters after the date of the first publication. A comment is added for each revision.
  • International reserves comprise the liquid financial assets available to a country for regulatory and other general economic purposes. The reserves are governed and controlled by monetary authorities and are recognized as international reserves by the global community.
  • The exchange rate of the hryvnia is determined by the supply of and demand for foreign currency on the market. The NBU sets the official UAH/USD exchange rate by calculating the weighted average exchange rate on the basis of all currency purchases and sales conducted by banks over the course of a day. The central bank also sets the official hryvnia exchange rate against other foreign currencies that are widely used to settle international transactions. The NBU does not seek to maintain the exchange rate at a specific level.

The NBU compiles external sector data using the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (IMF, 2009) and External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users (IMF, 2013). The external sector data also meet the requirements of the Glossary of the System of National Accounts, the Government Finance Statistics Manual, and the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (IMF, 2016).


Balance of payments and other statistical information compiled on the basis of the BPM6 (the sixth edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, 2009)

Indicators / Period monthly data quarterly data annual data
 Balance of payments
Balance of payments reports 05’2024 pdf IV-2023 pdf 2023 pdf
Balance of payments 05’2024 xlsx pdf I-2024 xlsx pdf 2023 xlsx pdf
External trade 05’2024 xlsx pdf I-2024 xlsx pdf 2023 xlsx pdf
External trade between Ukraine & EU countries       I-2024 xlsx pdf 2023 xlsx pdf
Currency composition of settlements in the BoP current account       I-2024 xlsx pdf 2023 xlsx pdf
Seasonally adjusted indices of the BoP current account       I-2024 xlsx pdf 2023 xlsx pdf
 Remittances 05’2024 xlsx pdf I-2024 xlsx pdf 2023 xlsx pdf
 International Investment Position       I-2024 xlsx pdf 2023 xlsx pdf
 Direct investments
Direct investment by Instruments and Sectors       I-2024 xlsx   2023 xlsx  
     Direct Investment In Ukraine (inward direct investment)
Flows: Direct Investment Flows by Instruments, Regions, Countries, Types of Economic Activity       I-2024 xlsx   2023 xlsx  
Positions: Direct Investment Positions by Instruments, Regions, Countries, Types of Economic Activity       I-2024 xlsx   2023 xlsx  
Income on Direct Investment by Instruments, Regions, Countries, Types of Economic Activity       I-2024 xlsx   2023 xlsx  
Regional breakdown:
Equity Positions: Regions by Countries       I-2024 xlsx   2023 xlsx  
Equity Positions: Regions by Types of Economic Activity       I-2024 xlsx   2023 xlsx  
     Direct Investment Abroad (outward direct investment)
Positions: Direct Investment Positions by Instruments, Regions, Countries, Types of Economic Activity       I-2024 xlsx   2023 xlsx  
 External Debt
External Debt Report       І-2024 pdf 2023 pdf
Gross External Debt       І-2024 xlsx pdf 2023 xlsx pdf
Short-term external debt by remaining maturity       І-2024 xlsx pdf 2023 xlsx pdf
Debt-service payment schedule for external debt       01.04.2024 xlsx pdf      
Information on the cost of real sector external borrowing       I-2024 xlsx pdf    


Balance of payments and other statistical information compiled on the basis of the BPM6 (the sixth edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, 2009) (mln Euros and Ukrainian hryvnias)

Indicators / Period monthly data quarterly data annual data
 Balance of payments EUR UAH   EUR UAH   EUR UAH
Balance of payments 05’2024 xlsx xlsx I-2024 xlsx xlsx 2023 xlsx xlsx
External trade       I-2024 xlsx xlsx 2023 xlsx xlsx
External trade between Ukraine & EU countries       I-2024 xlsx xlsx 2023 xlsx xlsx
International Investment Position       I-2024 xlsx xlsx 2023 xlsx xlsx
External Debt
Gross External Debt       I-2024 xlsx xlsx 2023 xlsx xlsx
Short-term external debt by remaining maturity       I-2024 xlsx xlsx 2023 xlsx xlsx


Balance of payments and other statistical information compiled on the basis of the BPM5 (the fifth edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments Manual (1993)

Indicators / Period monthly data quarterly data annual data
Balance of payments 10’2015 xlsx pdf II-2015 xlsx pdf 2014 xlsx pdf
External trade of goods 10’2015 xlsx pdf II-2015 xlsx pdf 2014 xlsx pdf
International Investment Position       II-2015 xlsx pdf 2014 xlsx pdf
Gross External Debt       II-2015 xlsx pdf 2014 xlsx pdf
Current account of the  Balance of Payments (without statistics on the temporarily occupied territory of the AR Crimea and the city of Sevastopol)       VI-2014 xlsx pdf 2014 xlsx pdf
Balance of Payments (1994-2014)         xlsx     xlsx  


Exchange Rates UAH/Other Foreign Currencies

Data Indicators
  Exchange rate, daily 
  Official hryvnia exchange rate against foreign currencies
  UAH/USD reference rate as of 12 p.m.
  Average weighted rates in the cash foreign exchange market of Ukraine
06'2024 Indicators of the Ukrainian currency market
06'2024 Cash Flow Statement
  Average hryvnia exchange rate against foreign currencies
06'2024 Official hryvnia exchange rate against foreign currencies (period average)
06'2024 Real effective exchange rate (REER) and nominal effective exchange rate (NEER) indexes of the hryvnia (dynamics)
  Operations of individuals
02'2022 Individual transfers in foreign currency (regional breakdown)
06'2024 Cash foreign currency purchased from individuals (regional breakdown)
  Archive average weighted exchange rate in the interbank foreign exchange market of Ukraine (before 31.07.2018)
  Archive weighted average interbank hryvnia exchange rate against US dollar and euro (before 31.07.2018)