The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has been conducting research on central bank digital currencies (CBDC) and working on creating its own digital form of hryvnia – the e-hryvnia.
The e-hryvnia is an electronic form of the currency of Ukraine issued by the NBU.
According to the regulator, the key purpose of the e-hryvnia is to effectively perform all functions of money and supplement cash and noncash forms of hryvnia.
The e-hryvnia should be easy to use and accessible to all population groups, legal entities, state authorities, banks, and nonbank payment service providers.
Devising and implementing the e-hryvnia in Ukraine will:
E-hryvnia could have a positive impact on ensuring economic security of the country, strengthen monetary sovereignty of Ukraine and the NBU’s capability to maintain price and financial stability as foundation of stable economic growth.
At present, the NBU is considering and processing the following possible options for using the e-hryvnia that will shape its design and main features:
The following e-mail was provided for communication with the E-Hryvnia Project team and proposals on introducing the e-hryvnia: [email protected]
What is CBDC? Why should CBDC be explored and implemented?
СBDC stands for Central Bank Digital Currency, i.e. digital currency issued by the central bank. Like physical (cash) money, CBDC is a central bank’s liability and a means of payment denominated in the domestic currency.
According to BIS report*, in mid-2023, 130 countries, which accounted for more than 98% of global GDP, were researching, implementing or using CBDCs.
Depending on the political aspects and existing challenges, the following goals of CBDC research and implementation are identified:
The main reason for such research bringing all countries together is the digitalization of all fields of modern life, which requires new cashless payment methods and the ambition to increase the speed and convenience of payments.
*BIS - Bank for International Settlements, Central bank digital currency (CBDC) information security and operational risks to central banks
What is e-hryvnia?
The e-hryvnia is an electronic form of the currency of Ukraine issued by the NBU. The term is defined in the Law of Ukraine On Payment Services.
If the decision to introduce the e-hryvnia is approved, it will be legal tender in Ukraine and will exist only in cashless form as a supplement to cash and cashless forms of money.
The e-hryvnia should perform all functions of money, be convenient and accessible for the public, businesses, government bodies, banks, and non-bank payment service providers, i.e. all users.
Why do we need e-hryvnia?
The NBU is considering to issue the e-hryvnia for the following purposes:
What will be the e-hryvnia special features?
By studying the digital currencies of other central banks and working on developing its own e-hryvnia, and taking into account the survey of financial market experts, the NBU was able to identify the following key features:
the option to provide targeted government aid, regardless of merchants and payment service providers.