NBU Leaves Its Key Policy Rate Unchanged at 13%
Banks Approve in Two Months Almost UAH 4 Billion Worth of Applications for Loans to Finance Energy Infrastructure Recovery Projects – Bank Survey
NBU Eases Some FX Restrictions and Changes Terms for Providing Refinancing Loans to Banks As Banking System Liquidity Reaches Record Highs
Ukraine’s Government Borrows almost UAH 1,209 Billion through Auctions to Sell Domestic Government Debt Securities since Martial Law Was Imposed
International Reserves at USD 36.6 Billion in October
Gradual Replacement of Old-Design 50- and 200-Hryvnia Banknotes to Complete the Modernization of Hryvnia Denominations
NBU Annual Report 2023: From Strategy of Survival to That of Recovery
By regions*:
Vinnytsia oblast
Volyn oblast
Dnipropetrovsk oblast
Zhytomyr oblast
Zakarpattia oblast
Zaporizhzhia oblast
Ivano-Frankivsk oblast
Kyiv and Kyiv oblast
Kirovohrad oblast
Lviv oblast
Mykolaiv oblast
Odesa oblast
Poltava oblast
Rivne oblast
Sumy oblast
Ternopil oblast
Kharkiv oblast
Kherson oblast
Khmelnytskyi oblast
Cherkasy oblast
Chernivtsi oblast
Chernihiv oblast
*There is no business outlook survey of Kherson oblast for Q1 2024 as the NBU was unable to conduct the survey in the temporary occupied part of oblast.
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