On December 22, executives of the largest banks of Ukraine had a meeting at the National Bank of Ukraine.
During the meeting, the bankers discussed the Memorandum on restructuring consumer loans in foreign currency (hereafter - Memorandum), agreed on December 19, 2014, by the public (borrowers), executives of Ukraine’s bank with the largest amount of mortgage loans and by the National Bank of Ukraine.
Given the relevance of the issue and its significance for society, most bank executives emphasize the need to restructure mortgage loans in foreign currency on condition of collective responsibility of business, society and the state. Representatives of banks also paid special attention to encouraging conscientious borrowers to scrupulously repay their loans.
Supporting main provisions of the draft Memorandum as a whole, bankers called for revision of some of its points.
Valeria Gontareva, Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine, appreciated bankers’ aspiration to come to a parity-based agreement with FX borrowers and confirmed regulator’s intentions to be coordinator and mediator of this process.
“It is important to find a compromise solution satisfying all parties. We now work on details and lay the foundation for further address consumer loans in foreign currency. The National Bank is ready to support a common compromise that will reduce tension in the society," Valeria Gontareva said urging bankers to intensify work on this issue.
It was also decided to hold another working meeting soon gathering the representatives of the National Bank, public (borrowers) and banks that have the largest amount of mortgage loans, in order to agree on the positions and sign the Memorandum.