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Regulator to disclose information about the issued general licenses for foreign exchange transactions

The National Bank of Ukraine moves ahead with its policy of enhancing the transparency of its activities and starts publishing archival and update information about the general licenses for foreign exchange transactions issued to banks and non-bank financial institutions.

With regard to banks, the National Bank of Ukraine publishes information about all the general licenses issued since October 2011. As for non-bank financial institutions, information about all the 162 general licenses issued since December 2002 is published by the regulator. The information about all the licenses is published in chronological order and presented in two files containing information about banks and non-bank financial institutions respectively. These files are available in the "Banking supervision" section of the NBU's official website.

Going forward, information about the general licenses for foreign exchange transactions issued to banks and non-bank financial institutions will be updated within 5 working days after the issue of new general licenses.  

“We hope that the disclosure of information about the general licenses for foreign exchange transactions will help reduce inquiries from individuals and legal entities, said Director of the NBU Registration and Licensing Department Leonid Antonenko. – Since the beginning of the year alone, the Registration and Licensing Department has responded to 165 individual inquiries concerning the issued general licenses. The information that we will publish on the regulator’s website is official information to which stakeholders can refer in relations with the public authorities and other institutions. The National Bank will refer all the requesters seeking information about the general licenses for foreign exchange transactions issued during the period of time specified in this official publication to the NBU’s official website. We call on all public authorities, most notably courts, to use the information published on the website of the regulator as official information of the National Bank of Ukraine”.

As a side note, in an effort to enhance the transparency of the banking system, since January 2015, the National Bank of Ukraine has been publishing information on loans extended to banks (with a maturity of over 30 calendar days), with obligatory indication of the bank's name, loan amount, type of loan, type of collateral and the date when the NBU's respective resolution was issued.


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