In the first 6 months of 2013, the National Bank of Ukraine has sold 16 thousand bullion coins for the total amount of UAH 31.15 million, including:
4.5 thousand pieces of gold bullion coins for the amount of UAH 28.02 million;
11.38 thousand pieces of silver bullion coins for the amount of UAH 3.13 million.
These statistical data suggest the growing demand for bullion coins compared to the previous year, as the total number of bullion coins sold in 2012 reached 17.74 thousand pieces for the total amount of UAH 52.58 million, including:
6.70 thousand pieces of gold bullion coins for the amount of UAH 48.87 million;
11.04 thousand pieces of silver bullion coins for the amount of UAH 3.71 million.
In 2013, the National Bank of Ukraine is set to strike 34 thousand bullion coins. Issuing volumes of bullion coins might be increased throughout the year.
"The convergence between the coin price and the value of the amount of precious metal that is contained within the coin, as well as high liquidity of bullion coins on account of the buy-back (repurchase) mechanism, make bullion coins attractive to investors," explains Director of General Department for Regulation of Cash Circulation Mr. Viktor Nesterenko.
The purchase and selling prices for bullion coins are set on a daily basis and posted on the NBU's official website.
It should be noted that Ukrainian bullion coins arouse interest from abroad. The National Bank of Ukraine has entered into an agreement with a distribution company that introduces national bullion coins on the international numismatic market. In June 2013, the first batch of bullion coins was shipped to overseas markets.