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Mr Serhii Ivaniuta Takes Charge of the Banknote Printing and Minting Works of the National Bank of Ukraine

On 1 March 2016, Mr Serhii Ivaniuta was appointed as Director General of the Banknote Printing and Minting Works of the National Bank of Ukraine.

Mr Ivaniuta was born on 18 August 1971. In 1994, graduated from Kyiv Polytechnic Institute,  major in Automated  Technological Processes and Manufacturing. In 1995, graduated from the National Academy of Management, major in Finance and Credit, with a degree in Financial Management. Fluent in English. 

In 1993, Mr Ivaniuta launched his professional career. He worked at Ukrsotsbank JSCB and Kraft Foods Ukraine JSC. Mr Ivaniuta served as Chief Financial Officer in a number of companies, including AES Kyivoblenergo (2003 – 2010), MTS Ukraine PrJSC (2011), Ukrainian New Technologies LLC (2012), and Centravis Production Ukraine PrJS (2012 – 2015). 

In 2015, Mr Ivaniuta was appointed as Advisor to the Director General of the NBU Banknote Printing and Minting Works.

One of the priority tasks of the newly appointed Director General of the NBU Banknote Printing and Minting Works is to devise a marketing strategy for entering international markets of banknote and coin production as envisaged by the NBU’s Comprehensive Program of Financial Market Development of Ukraine until 2020. The NBU Banknote Printing and Minting Works has an annual manufacturing capacity of about 1.8 billion banknotes and 1.2 billion coins.  Such production volume fully meets domestic needs and enables the production facility to manufacture banknotes and coins be supplied to other countries upon their orders.


Банкнотно-монетний двір Національного банку України на 100% забезпечує потреби держави у виготовленні грошових знаків, пам’ятних та інвестиційних монет України, а також орденів, медалей, нагрудних знаків до почесних звань України, нагрудних знаків лауреатів державних премій України і президентських відзнак та документів, що посвідчують нагородження ними.

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