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Open Research Seminar

Subject: What we pay in the shadow: Labor tax evasion, minimum wage hike and employment
Date: 20.10.2021
Time: 16:00 – 17:00
Venue: Zoom
Organizers: National Bank of Ukraine

Nicolas Gavoille (Stockholm School of Economics in Riga) will present the results of the joint project with Anna Zasova "What we pay in the shadow: Labor tax evasion, minimum wage hike and employment".

Abstract: The interactions between minimum wage policy and tax evasion remain largely unknown. We study firm-level employment effects of a large and biting minimum wage increase in Latvia conditional on labor tax compliance. The Latvian labor market is characterized by the prevalence of envelope wages, i.e., unreported cash-in-hand complements to the official wage. We apply machine learning to classify firms between compliant and tax-evading using a unique combination of administrative and survey data. We then show that firms engaged in labor tax evasion are insensitive to the minimum wage shock. Our results suggest that these firms use wage underreporting as an adjustment margin, converting (part of ) the envelope into legal wage. Increasing minimum wage contributes to tax rule enforcement, but this comes at the cost of negative employment consequences for compliant firms.

Working Paper on this research, you can find here

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