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Ukraine’s International Reserves Increased by USD 0.3 Billion in July

Ukraine’s International Reserves Increased by USD 0.3 Billion in July

Preliminary data showed that as of 1 August 2020, Ukraine's international reserves stood at USD 28,802.4 million (in the equivalent). The international reserves grew by 1.0% in July. Reserves grew during the month on the back of the government’s successful placement of Eurobonds.

Overall, changes in international reserves during the month were driven by the following factors:

  • first, the government’s servicing of public debt. FX earnings for the benefit of the government in July were USD 1,750.0 million, including USD 1,128.7 million on the account of sovereign Eurobond placement and USD 608.2 million – FX domestic government debt securities placement. At the same time, the government spent USD 1,500.3 million (in the equivalent) on servicing and repaying public debt denominated in foreign currency. Of that amount, USD 767.0 million were paid for hryvnia-denominated domestic government debt securities, while the rest was paid to discharge obligations to foreign lenders.
  • second, the NBU’s FX interbank transactions. In July, demand for currency on interbank FX market somewhat exceeded supply, thus the NBU renewed interventions to sell foreign currency and alleviate excessive fluctuations. Last month interventions amounted to USD 498.7 billion. At the same time, on some days the situation on the FX market was favorable and the NBU encouraged replenishment of reserves on the account of purchased FX currency. Overall, such interventions amounted to USD 130.0 million.
  • third, the revaluation of financial instruments (due to changes in their market value and in FX rate). Last month, their value increased by USD 406.3 million (in the equivalent).

Currently, international reserves cover 4.9 months of future imports. This is sufficient for Ukraine to meet its obligations, and for the government and the NBU to conduct their current operations.

Data on international reserves and foreign currency liquidity are compiled and released on a monthly basis:

  • for preliminary data, no later than on the seventh day after the reporting month ends
  • for revised data, no later than on the 21st day following the reporting month.

Revised data are available here.

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