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National Bank of Ukraine jointly with Narodowy Bank Polski Hold a Research Conference for Students and Young Researchers

Today, Lviv is hosting the Research Conference for Students and Young Researchers: Trends in Europe and the Impact on the Region. The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) and the Narodowy Bank Polski (NBP) are the co-organizers with the support of Ivan Franko National University ofLviv and Banking University.

Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine Yakiv Smolii,

"The NBU channels its efforts to create, sustain and develop an effective and stable financial ecosystem, and this system cannot exist without such solid foundation as economic analytics. Hence research conferences are also a way of developing well-grounded economic science in Ukraine, since better economic education and understanding of economic processes translate into better quality and understanding of the central bank’s decisions among the general public."

Vice-President of Narodowy Bank Polski Anna Trzecińska,

"Joint actions of our central banks focus on improving the quality of financial education being one of the strategic areas of our cooperation. At present, one of the elements of financial inclusion is financial education. The NBP, as well as the NBU traditionally engages in financial education. By supporting the events and projects like this one we strive to foster economic development and financial research in the region."

Rector of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Volodymyr Melnyk,

"The Ivan Franko National University of Lviv is known for training specialists in finance, economics and banking. Therefore, fostering cooperation with the NBU in joint research, research conferences, and internships for educators and students is our priority. This cooperation opens new horizons for the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv to further improve training of specialists, application of research findings into practice, and adjustment of syllabuses to current economic conditions in Ukraine and Europe."

Rector of the Banking University Anzhela Kuznietsova,

"We are proud to note that longstanding effective cooperation between universities, the NBU, and the NBP assists in rearing a new generation of economic analysts. I hope that the Conference attendees will retain their kin interest in economic processes occurring in the country and the Conference participants have a chance to receive offers to continue working with the regulators."

At the event the representatives of Polish and Ukrainian central banks, students and young researches from Ukrainian and Polish education institutions will present their research. Working languages are Ukrainian and English.

Topics of research papers to be presented at the Conference focus on operations of the banking sector, features of the monetary andmacroprudential policy, as well as examine the EU integration issues encountered by the EU countries and Ukraine. Presentations to the speeches will published on the NBU site shortly.

For reference

The Conference participants from Ukrainian education institutions were selected from students and postgraduates based on the results of the research paper competition. Participants were chosen by the Steering Committee comprised of the NBU experts and teaching professionals of national education institutions. The NBP selected participants on the Polish side.

As part of the research strategy and in compliance with best practices, since 2016, the NBU initiated and hosted series of international conferences and research workshops. These events improve the level of communication and interaction of the regulator with the expert community and engage a wide number of external researchers to the scientific investigations and professional discussions on monetary policy and financial stability issues.

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