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National Bank of Ukraine extends a stabilization loan to Platinum Bank PJSC

The National Bank of Ukraine has adopted a decision to extend a stabilization loan worth UAH 240 million

with a maturity of two years to Platinum Bank PJSC to enable this bank meet its obligations to individual depositors (NBU Board Resolution No 200/БТ dated March 27, 2015).

Commenting on the decision to extend a stabilization loan to Platinum Bank PJSC, First Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine Oleksandr Pysaruk emphasized that the National Bank of Ukraine extends refinancing loans only to support liquidity of solvent banks that have approved recapitalization plans and comply with the legal requirements for transparency of ownership structures.

He noted that the relevant decision was taken by the National Bank of Ukraine only after Platinum Bank PJSC had disclosed information on the beneficiaries of the single shareholder of the bank – PT Platinum Public Limited (Cyprus) as prescribed by the applicable Ukrainian laws (the aforementioned information has been published on the NBU's official website). Grygoriy Gourtovyi, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Platinum Bank PJSC, has submitted a set of documents to the National Bank of Ukraine to obtain a permit from the regulator to increase its stake and acquire control of Platinum Bank PJSC through a buyback of shares from some key stakeholders, which would bring Gourtovyi's indirect holding in this bank to 71.2%.

According to him, the real estate owned by Platinum Bank PJSC has been pledged as collateral for a refinancing loan. The collateral appraisal has been carried out by one of the leading international audit companies that meet the criteria set forth in the NBU regulations.

"The disbursement of the refinancing loan is conditional on Platinum Bank PJSC's using this loan to meet its obligations to individuals," emphasized Olekandr Pysaruk. He expressed confidence that this move would help ensure sustainable operation of Platinum Bank PJSC and improve its financial health.



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