The National Bank of Ukraine has signed a sponsorship agreement with the Banking University (Kyiv) to cover the annual tuition fees for a total of UAH 24 thousand for the students who have been admitted to the university under the sponsorship of the NBU. According to the estimates by the Ministry of Education, the annual education expenses amount to UAH 24,000. Today 1,008 students, of which 36 postgraduates pursuing a doctoral/PhD programme, are trained at the university under the sponsorship of the NBU.
On August 28, 2015, the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the National Bank of Ukraine, the Banking University and the Ukrainian Banking Academy signed the deeds of conveyance under which the Banking University and the Ukrainian Banking Academy have been transferred from the jurisdiction of the National Bank of Ukraine and placed under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education. The higher educational institutions have been transferred to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in accordance with Ordinance of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 666-р of June 24, 2015.
The negotiations through the intermediary of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine are currently underway with the Ukrainian Banking Academy (Sumy), which demands that the National Bank of Ukraine cover the the annual tuition fee (per student) set by the university at UAH 64 thousand. 499 students are studying at the university under the sponsorship of the NBU. The funding demanded by the university to cover education expenses may entail additional annual expenditures of about UAH 20 million.
The National Bank underlines that it does not renege on its obligations to students, but it is unable to cover education expenses beyond the the maximum amount of admissible education expenses established for this higher educational institution. “The students’ rights will be protected in full, and the National Bank of Ukraine will continue to sponsor their education until the completion of the training program and graduation from the university,” said Director of the NBU Personnel Department Roman Borysenko at the meeting with the staff and the student self-governing bodies of the Ukrainian Banking Academy, which was held at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with participation of representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science.
The higher educational institutions under the control of the National Bank have been transferred to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in accordance with the Comprehensive Program for Financial Sector Reforms for the period up to 2020, under which the National Bank of Ukraine will focus on its core functions.