Today, on 7 December 2017, the National Bank of Ukraine transfered the last (the eighth) tranche of profits in the amount of UAH 4.4 billion to the State Budget of Ukraine.
Thus, the regulator transfered the total planned profits of the NBU in the amount of UAH 44.4 billion (UAH 44,378,828,945.50) to the State Budget.
Please, be reminded that the previous seven tranches of the NBU’s profits in the total amount of UAH 40 billion were transfered on 21 April, 10 May, 8 June, 7 July, 7 August, 6 October, and 7 November of the current year, respectively.
The schedule for profit transfers to the State Budget of Ukraine was mutually agreed with the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and stipulates for monthly tranches in the proportional amounts for the rest of the current year. Such tranches are meant to level out the impact of the Government funds on liquidity fluctuations in the banking system and facilitate the NBU’s reaching its inflation targets.