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National Bank of Ukraine Continues Cooperation with International Donors

National Bank of Ukraine Continues Cooperation with International Donors

On 12 September 2018, the coordination meeting with international donors and partners of the National Bank of Ukraine who provide technical and export support took place.

Dmytro Sologub thanked international partners for their contribution into the reform of the financial sector of Ukraine and informed the audience about its results. He also expressed his hopes for the fruitful cooperation to reach a new level in the future.

He continued: “This year, for the first time in the history of the National Bank of Ukraine we introduced the Bank’s Strategy including its key objectives. The NBU is now focused on reaching these objectives. They are aimed at ensuring efficient, transparent, and stable work of the financial system, reaching the inflation objectives, resumption of lending, ensuring free movement of capital, and financial inclusion. The Verkhovna Rada has already adopted a number of draft laws strongly supported by the National Bank of Ukraine including the Laws of Ukraine On Currency and Currency Operations and On Resumption of Lending. We hope for prompt approval of the draft law On Protection of Financial Services Consumers Rights by the Parliament in the second hearing. We appreciate the support our partners provided to the National Bank of Ukraine in reforming and developing the stable and efficient financial system of Ukraine”, concluded Dmytro Sologub, the Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine.

“Cooperation with our international partners is very important for the National Bank of Ukraine. The success and the effectiveness of the projects aimed at creating favorable conditions for reaching our strategic objectives would not be possible without attracting the best international experts and studying the best practices. Today, given the support of our committed partners, we have conducted a number of reforms, organized several international events, launched technical assistance programs and plan to expand this cooperation in the future,” Volodymyr Kuchyn, Head of Office for European Integration and International Programs, stated.

“Achieving results in promoting financing inclusion is impossible without improving financial literacy of the public. The new, modern and open for everyone Educational Information Center of the National Bank of Ukraine will become a cultural and educational platform for visitors. Its goal is to communicate the key functions of the regulator to the public, educate people how to better manage their finances, strengthen confidence in the banking system, and promote an active use of financial services,” noted Nataliia Bondarenko, Head of Information and Public Communications Office.

The international donors reaffirmed their interest and readiness to further support the financial sector reforms in Ukraine.

For reference.

Since 2014, the coordination meetings with international donors and partners of the National Bank of Ukraine have been held regularly. They are aimed at discussing the possible support of the international community in reforming the financial sector. The meetings are held once a year. Representatives from international organizations and central banks of other countries that effectively cooperate with the Ukrainian financial sector regulator in implementing projects of the Comprehensive Program have visited the event. These include representatives from:

  • International Monetary Fund
  • World Bank
  • International Finance Corporation
  • European Union
  • European Central Bank
  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
  • German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ)
  • Governments of the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and Sweden
  • Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
  • Central banks of Poland, Lithuania, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Sweden, and Turkey
  • number of technical assistance missions working in Ukraine.




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