The National Bank of Ukraine proposes to expand the possibilities of using remote identification for receiving the following services by bank customers:
- administrative
- banking
- commercial and other services.
To this end, the NBU has prepared a draft resolution approving the necessary amendments to the current Regulation on Single National System for Remote Identification of Individuals and Legal Entities of the National Bank of Ukraine[1].
This document is aimed at:
- developing bank technologies and a model of remote identification of the applicants requesting administrative, banking, commercial and other services
- establishing the procedure for interaction of banks with the NBU BankID system and service providers
- setting the conditions and procedure for connecting to, stopping the use of the system, and disconnection of subscribers from the system, as well as the procedure for interaction between subscribers of the NBU BankID system.
The update of the NBU BankID system regulatory framework is due to:
- the need for a detailed regulation of the relation between the banks of Ukraine and the NBU in the remote identification of the entities requesting services
- extension of possibilities for remote identification
- updating of information security requirements in the NBU BankID system.
Now only the administrative services can be received through NBU BankID. The update will allow the use of the system as one of the identification and verification tools for the provision of banking services and the remote opening of accounts for new clients.
In addition, commercial companies will be able to provide services to customers of banks remotely, for example, the subscribers of mobile operators will be able to receive services remotely.
Taking into account that as of 1 April 2018 Ukrainian banks issued almost 60 million payment cards, through which banks’ customers can be identified, the NBU BankID system can become the biggest means for remote identification in Ukraine, provided that the banks of Ukraine support the system and connect to it.
The draft of the relevant resolution was published on the NBU website for public discussion. Under the Law of Ukraine On Fundamentals of the State Regulatory Policy in the Field of Economic Activities, such documents shall be subject to promulgation in order to receive comments and proposals from legal entities, individuals, and their associations.
For reference
In 2015, the National Bank of Ukraine initiated a project NBU BankID - Single national system for remote identification of individuals and legal entities. The implementation of the system is aimed at creating the possibility for Ukrainian banks to perform electronic remote identification of customers and to provide Ukrainian citizens with remote access to many state and administrative services.
Today, the NBU is the owner of the system and regulates the relations between subscribers-participants of the system. This allows to make the system national and provide equal access for all interested banks, state authorities and companies.
Connection to the NBU BankID system for Ukrainian banks, state authorities and commercial companies is free of charge.
Valid NBU documents to be amended:
NBU Resolution No. 378 of 30 August 2016 On Approval of the Regulation on Single national system for remote identification of individuals and legal entities of the National Bank of Ukraine.
Regulation on Single National System for Remote Identification of Individuals and Legal Entities of the National Bank of Ukraine is adopted by the aforementioned resolution.
[1] approved by NBU Board Resolution No. 378, dated 30 August 2016