CB Privatbank PJSC, Ukreksimbank JSC and Oshchadbank JSC were recognized as systemically important banks for the year 2018 as prescribed in Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine No. 161-D dated 20 March 2018. The aforesaid banks were recognized as systemically important in 2016-2017.
The term “systemically important bank” in legal framework of many countries stands for banks that in case of bankruptcy or improper operating could trigger systemic risks to the financial system.
The NBU can apply tougher prudential requirements to systemically important banks, as well as higher liquidity and capital ratios. This corresponds to the generally accepted global practices. Systemically important banks are also subject to special banking supervision.
The procedure for identifying systemically important banks is carried out in accordance with the Regulation approved by NBU Board Resolution No. 863 dated 25 December 2014.