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The National Bank of Ukraine Welcomes Liberalization of Cash Payments

The National Bank of Ukraine welcomes parliament’s adoption of Draft Law No.4117  On Amendments to Certain Legal Acts of Ukraine on Liberalization of Cash Payments.  A total of 267 MPs voted in favor of this bill on 4 October 2016. 

“The adoption of this draft law will enable entrepreneurs to cut transaction costs and make it easier for them to receive payments. The introduction  of a new type of registers - distributed computer-based cash register systems  - will make it  possible to store  fiscal information on the central fiscal server, which would enable businesses to use common devices such as tablets, smartphones, laptops and computers as terminals.   In its turn, a digital signature applied to the receipt ensures the integrity of information,” said Director of the NBU Payment Systems and Innovative Development Department Mr Serhii Shatskyi, adding that the introduction of such innovative changes will make it easier for retailers, online shops, as well as SMEs to receive cash and cashless payments. The market participants will benefit from a significant reduction in fiscalization costs, as well as purchase and maintenance expenses associated with fiscal devices of the previous generation. 

“Payments will become more convenient for customers of SMEs, while  at the national level the current approach to fiscalization will contribute to greater transparency of purchases of goods and services,” said  Mr Shatsky.



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