The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has published the 2019 schedule of bank inspections at its official website. This is the first in a series of inspection schedules the NBU plans to make public each year.
The bank inspections will be carried out under the schedule developed using a risk-based approach and approved by the NBU Board Decision dated 22 December 2018. The risk-based approach incorporates the bank’s category determined based on its share in the banking system, nature and complexity of its operations, and its inherent risk level, as well as the total SREP score.
“Pursuant to the approved Strategy, the NBU remains committed to the principles of transparency when exercising banking supervision and planning bank inspections. From now on, we will publish the annual schedules of our inspections. Moreover, the NBU has decided to introduce the practice of early notification of banks about scheduled inspections and their programs – no later than 20 days before an inspection starts. These measures will contribute to the transparency and effectiveness of supervision of banks’ compliance with banking laws and NBU regulations with due account for risk assessment, promotion of the banking system’s stability, and protection of the interests of banks’ depositors and creditors,” NBU First Deputy Governor Kateryna Rozhkova said in a comment.
According to her, the NBU will continue to carry out unscheduled inspections, the need for which will be determined based on supervisory actions under the early response system. In 2018, the On-site Bank Inspection Department of the NBU conducted a total of 25 scheduled and 21 unscheduled inspections of banks.
The list of financial institutions where scheduled inspections will be carried out in 2019 includes 51 banks.
Please be reminded that the NBU has changed the requirements for the planning of inspections of banks and other entities within the NBU’s supervisory activity, taking into account the EBA Guidelines on common procedures and methodologies for the supervisory review and evaluation process.
Therefore, the frequency of inspections will depend on the bank’s size (its role in the banking system) and risk. In particular, banks under supervision will be inspected as per the schedule approved by the NBU Board, which is drafted using the risk-based approach and taking into account the assessment of banks in the course of off-site banking supervision.