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Comprehensive Program of the Ukrainian Financial Sector Development up to 2020 has been published

The final version of the Comprehensive Program of the Ukrainian Financial Sector Development up to 2020, approved on 18 June 2015 by the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine (the NBU Board Resolution No. 391 of 18 June 2015), has been published. 

For reference

On 15 May 2015, during the regular meeting, the National Reforms Council upheld and approved the Comprehensive Program of the Ukrainian Financial Sector Development up to 2020 (hereinafter, the Comprehensive Program). 

The Comprehensive Program has been jointly developed by representatives of the financial market regulators. Representatives from expert and research communities who were involved in the discussion of the draft Comprehensive Program put forward a number of proposals and comments. Recommendations provided by the international financial advisory and donor organizations were also taken into account when developing the said Program. The presented draft Comprehensive Program was appraised by both market participants and representatives of public institutions.

The main objective of the Comprehensive Program is to build a fully-fledged, efficient and effective financial market in Ukraine, develop all the market segments, build its infrastructure, and strengthen its resilience to external threats.

The measures set out in the Comprehensive Program address three key areas: ensuring financial stability, development of institutional capacity of financial market regulators, and protection of consumer and financial market investors' rights.

Detailed information on the phases, areas of focus and performance indicators of the Comprehensive Program is available on the website at:



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