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First Day of 8th Annual Research Conference Navigating the Changing Landscape: Central Banks in a New Normal

First Day of 8th Annual Research Conference Navigating the Changing Landscape: Central Banks in a New Normal

During the research panels, representatives of the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, the central banks of the United States, Canada, Poland, Moldova, and Ukraine, the Bank for International Settlements, the Center for Research on International Economics (CRIE), and Western universities will present research on the following topics:

  • the effects of large and asymmetric shocks on economic development
  • the relationship between monetary policy and financial stability
  • limiting the transmission mechanism of monetary policy
  • the role of fiscal policy in safeguarding macrofinancial stability
  • innovative tools and new areas of work for central banks.

Keynote speaker – Frank Smets, Adviser to the Counsel to the Executive Board at the European Central Bank.

The working language is English.

Information about the program of the event and its speakers is available here.

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