The National Payment System “ PROSTIR” (hereinafter– NPS PROSTIR ) launched its promotional website in October 2016, which can be accessed at
The website features detailed information about NPS PROSTIR , which can be useful for both citizens (payment card users) and businesses (banks, other financial institutions as well as traders accepting cashless payments for goods and services).
On 19 October 2016, NPS PROSTIR’s promotional website was presented by Director of the NBU Payment Systems and Innovative Development Department Mr Serhii Shatskyi and Project Leader Mr Roman Gartinger.
Mr Shatskyi said that the national payment system has been steadily developing and expanding its payment infrastructure.
“Curenty, 45 banks are NPS PROSTIR’s participants . The total number of payment cards in circulation amounts to 1.1 million pieces, including 20% active cards. The NBU maintains a strategy to expand the network of ATMs accepting our cards. Since the beginning of 2016, it has expanded to account for 91% of the total number of ATMs operating in Ukraine ( as of the beginning of 2016 - about 80%). About 75 % of POS-terminals operating in the domestic market are capable of accepting Prostir payment cards,ˮ he said.
Mr Shatskyi said that the pricing policy pursued by the national payment system is customer-friendly and competitive that provides participants with the following opportunities: low entrance fee and quick connection to PROSTIR; low transaction costs; no extra charges for payment cards issued, no charge for opening/maintaining accounts with a settlement bank; and a security deposit is made in hryvnia.
Mr Shatskyi added that contactless payment and e-commerce technologies have already been implemented in NPS PROSTIR . We plan to further develop P2P-transfers and expand cooperation with mobile telecommunication operators in the area of e-money issuance and the promotion of micropayments.
Mr Gartinger said that the website has been developed in-house. This website features information presented in the form of “question-answer” that may be interesting for various target groups (individuals, banks, and traders). It also contains the most recent key performance indicators of the system, news, and an interactive map of ATMs.
“This website is a brand ambassador for the national payment system and represents the first step towards the creation of a corporate website for NPS PROSTIR . We plan to further develop it by incorporating mobile applications to allow the website to be viewed on mobile screens,” said Mr Gartinger.