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E-Document Flow Between Banks and Their Clients While Purchasing and Transferring Foreign Currency Was Introduced

The National Bank of Ukraine enabled banks and their clients to apply modern communication technologies and e-documents, e-documents copies when purchasing and transferring foreign currency.

Firstly, authorized banks will be able to purchase exchange and transfer foreign currency for clients not only on grounds of documents original versions as it was before but also their copies. However, clients will be able to submit to bank both original versions and copies of documents in electronic and paper format in their own discretion.

E-copies of documents are to be created by client in way of scanning the original version of document in paper format, certified with digital signature and submitted to the bank by means of software client-bank, client-internet-bank etc.

Requirement to submit only original versions remains unchanged solely regarding documents on source of funds in hryvnia for nonresident individuals.

Secondly, banks will be able not to put marks on original versions of documents, on grounds of which foreign currency was purchased or transferred, as well as on copies of these documents.  Instead, banks will independently control the amount of purchased foreign currency and determine the procedure.

For banks, such decisions will allow to speed up the process of servicing clients during execution of FX transactions on their behalf, automate documents processing and storage. For their clients, it will facilitate providing documents necessary for purchase and transfer of foreign currency.

Respective amendments were approved by the NBU Board Resolution No. 366 of 4 August 2016 On Amendments to Some Regulatory Documents of the National Bank of Ukraine. They come into force on 12 August 2016.



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