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Strategy and Development Department

Acting Director: Oleksandra Volodina

Tel.: +380 44 230 19 35
e-mail: [email protected]

Main Functions:
  • conducting strategic analysis, developing the NBU’s strategy, strategic programs, plans for the NBU development and the financial sector, including the banking system of Ukraine, and organizing the information and analytics support to the Work Group (Committee) on Financial Development at the Financial Stability Council of Ukraine
  •  support to implementation of the strategy, strategical programs and projects of the NBU and financial sector, including in the Ukrainian banking system; participation in organization, coordination, and monitoring of the NBU’s operating planning, implementation of action plans and preparing the performance reports
  •  assistance in NBU governance decision-making on introducing strategic changes, NBU transformation, development of the financial sector, including the banking system of Ukraine, planning the NBU’s operation and project management
  • conducting business analysis on detection of internal and external participants for collection and analysis of the requirements to introduce changes, prepare requirements to decisions, terms of reference on automation of processes 
  • introduction of the NBU’s process management system and process management culture, assessing effectiveness of the NBU processes, devising measures for optimizing the NBU processes.