On 15 March 2012, the meeting chaired by Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine Vira Rychakivska with senior managers of banking institutions operating in the Kyiv region entitled “Meeting the requirements of the NBU regulations with regard to technical conditions of premises and arranging security of bank premises, organizing transportation of currency valuables and collection of funds at banks and other cash circulation issues” was held at the Main regional branch of the National Bank of Ukraine in Kyiv and Kyiv Oblast.
Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine Vira Rychakivska said that a number of important issues had been covered in the course of the meeting.
“In particular, we discussed the amendments to regulations governing the issues related to technical strength and security of bank premises, collection of funds and transportation of currency valuables, furnishing banking institutions with cash and its withdrawal; carrying out a technical expertise aimed at detecting counterfeit banknotes; ensuring the reliability of statistical reporting,” said Vira Rychakivska.
According to Vira Rychakivska, the National Bank of Ukraine carefully considers proposals put forward by banks in the course of discussion of the above-mentioned issues and intends to take measures to improve the NBU regulations.