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Mr. Oleksandr Dubykhvist: Treasury bonds are instrumental in the development of the Ukrainian stock market

Held on 18 April 2013 at the Information Agency “Ukrainian News”, the roundtable discussion on “Investment opportunities for private investors in 2013: instruments and experience regarding the use thereof” focused on the advantages of investing in modern financial instruments offered to Ukrainian citizens who could make use of this investment opportunity to preserve and increase their savings.

The representatives from the National Bank of Ukraine, Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Oschadbank (The State Savings Bank of Ukraine) PJSC, independent experts and analysts participated in the roundtable discussion.

Mr. Oleksandr Dubykhvist, Director of Department of Foreign Exchange Reserve Regulation and Transactions in the Open Market, says that the Ukrainian stock market is steadily developing and new investment instruments are becoming available to individuals: “We have created attractive conditions for the operation of the stock market, and the instruments offered by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine appear to be instrumental in developing the stock market”. In addition, he has noted that Ukraine offers a favorable tax system for private investors.

Mr. Oleksandr Dubykhvist dwelled on the advantages of investing in Treasury bonds issued in bearer form that any individual can purchase at the offices of Oschadbank PJSC.

As treasury bonds are certificated securities, opening a bank account or concluding an agreement with the bank is not required. Holders of government treasury bonds are not obliged to declare investment income that considerably simplifies transactions in these securities.

US dollar-denominated government treasury bonds are highly liquid financial instruments, being in great demand among both individuals and banks. A holder of Treasury bonds can sell these securities at any time. Therefore, unlike deposit holders, holders of treasury bonds can, if required, return the funds invested in treasury bonds in full or partially by selling either the entire portfolio of securities or its portion.

We would like to remind you that on 11 April 2013, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine began making coupon payments for the first coupon period on its Series A Treasury bonds. A Treasury bond with a coupon rate of 9.2% per annum pays the holder a fixed-interest payment of USD 23 per each coupon attached to the Treasury bond. The coupon payments to holders of Treasury bonds are made at the offices of Oschadbank PJSC operating in the territory of Ukraine.

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