The National Bank of Ukraine has relaxed the requirements that apply to some foreign exchange transactions, which were introduced by Resolution of the National Bank of Ukraine Board No. 540, dated August 29, 2014 “On the introduction of additional mechanisms to stabilize the money and foreign exchange markets of Ukraine”.
The National Bank of Ukraine has rescinded temporary restrictions on foreign exchange transactions involving payments for imported goods without physical delivery of such goods to the territory of Ukraine, and payments under import contracts, under which the goods were imported on the territory of Ukraine and cleared based on the bill of entry (customs declaration), issued for more than 180 days.
At the same time, in order to ensure that authorized banks exercise due control over residents' transactions involving payments for works, services or intellectual property rights under contracts, the National Bank of Ukraine has revised downwards from EUR 100,000 to EUR 50,000 the value of the contract that is subject to a price examination to verify compliance with the market prices, (amendments to NBU Board Resolution No. 597, dated December 30, 2003,"On money transfers in national and foreign currency in favor of non-residents under certain transactions").
The aforementioned amendments were adopted by NBU Board Resolution No. 685, dated October 30, 2014, "On amendments to some NBU regulations", which comes into force from November 3, 2014.