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The minimum regulatory capital requirements for Ukrainian banks to be increased on a phased basis

Resolution of the National Bank of Ukraine Board No. 723, dated November 17, 2014 "On Approval of Amendments to the Instruction on the Procedure for Regulating the Activities of Banks in Ukraine" (hereinafter – Resolution) has increased the minimum regulatory capital requirements for banks (Н1) from UAH 120 million to UAH 500 million given the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine regarding Prevention of Negative Impact on the Banking System Stability” No. 1586-VII, dated July 4, 2014.

Resolution stipulates that banks that started operating before July 11, 2014, are allowed to increase the amount of regulatory capital to the required level on a phased basis. The minimum regulatory capital amount for these banks (Н1) is set at UAH 500 million from July 11, 2024 (UAH 120 million – by 10 July 2017; UAH 150 million – from 11 July 2017; UAH 200 million – from 11 July 2018; UAH 250 million – from 11 July 2019; UAH 300 million – from 11 July 2020; UAH 350 million – from 11 July 2021; UAH 400 million – from 11 July 2022; UAH 450 million – from 11 July 2023).

Amendments have been made to increase the level of capitalization of banks and, consequently, enhance their resilience to adverse market developments and protect the interests of depositors and creditors.

In addition, Resolution determines the specifics of bank supervision over banks that lose the status of a bridge bank pursuant to the Law of Ukraine "On Households Deposit Guarantee System".

In particular, these banks are put under obligation to devise Action Plans to bring their activities into compliance with the requirements of the laws of Ukraine and NBU regulations within six months from the day of losing the status of a bridge bank.

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