On December 22, 2014, the National Bank of Ukraine held a meeting with top management of the largest banks of Ukraine. It was the final meeting this year. Therefore both current issues and the results of banking system operation in 2014 have been discussed. The bankers have also discussed the situation in FX market.
The National Bank of Ukraine Governor Valeria Gontareva informed the bankers about the results of the IMF mission, that worked in Ukraine during last week. The Mission Chief spoke positively about the NBU’s efforts to implement reforms and stated that the National Bank of Ukraine within its authority had met all the conditions to receive the next tranche.
Restructuring of household’s FX loans has also been discussed during the meeting. Oleksandr Pysaruk, First Deputy Governor of the NBU, informed the participants about the outcome of the meetings between the NBU management and representatives of the largest banks and banking associations as well as representatives of FX borrowers, which were held last week. The discussions resulted in consensus on almost all issues and Draft Memorandum on restructuring of consumer loans in foreign currency (hereinafter - the Memorandum). Oleksandr Pysaruk is sure that this document will be finalized and approved soon.
"The solution for restructuring of FX loans should be based on contractual terms and conditions - it is the IMF requirement and will contribute to preserving confidence in banking system", - Valeria Gontareva stressed. She also added that the Memorandum should become a final stage in solving the issue of FX loans restructuring.
As to exchange rate surge observed last week, NBU Governor Valeria Gontareva noted it had been to the certain extent connected with depreciation of Russian ruble. "It provoked panic in the Ukrainian FX market. The situation improves now" - she said.
Oleksandr Pysaruk also informed that all the banks and bank association will receive draft documents, amending regulations on creation and use of provisions against losses under asset-side transactions and calculation of certain economic ratios by banks due to termination of banks’ operations in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine, for discussion.