The National Bank of Ukraine provides information on the processing of appeals from citizens and the progress made in handling these appeals in 2014 as prescribed by the Law of Ukraine On Citizens' Appeals.
During 2014, the National Bank of Ukraine received 30,808 written appeals from citizens, with personal appeals from citizens accounting for 82.93% of the total number of appeals.
In 2014, the number of written requests from citizens admitted by the National Bank of Ukraine had increased three-fold from the previous year, which, by and large, can be attributed to the difficult social and economic situation in the country and in the banking sector, in particular.
The citizens raised issues related to the relationships arising from the deposit and loan agreements far more frequently than was the case earlier on, with these claims amounting to 19,511 and 4,099 (59.48% and 12.50%) respectively.
The year 2014 saw an increase in requests from citizens regarding the banking supervision, payment systems and settlements, cash circulation, and foreign exchange regulation and control.
The NBU experts have carefully examined all the requests filed by citizens and taken the relevant measures. In particular, 29,104 claims (88.71%) have been settled in favor of citizens. 512 requests (1.56%) are still being processed. 2,901 claims (8.84%) have been transferred to the respective authorities, and the remaining claims have been addressed in accordance with Articles 5, 7, 8 and 17 of the Law of Ukraine On Citizens' Appeals.