The National Bank of Ukraine has launched verification of the declarations of income, assets and liabilities to ensure strict compliance with the Law of Ukraine On Cleansing of the Authorities with regard to prohibitions, as prescribed by parts 3 and 4, Article 1, of this Law in accordance with the schedule approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. As part of this verification process, the National Bank of Ukraine publishes on its website copies of the declarations of income, assets and liabilities submitted by First Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine Oleksandr Pysaruk and Deputy Governors Yakiv Smolii, Vladyslav Rashkovan and Dmytro Sologub.
The remaining NBU officials and employees will undergo verification process from April 20, 2015 until June 30, 2016 in accordance with the schedule approved by the National Bank of Ukraine. The declarations will be published as soon as verification process is completed.
In December 2014, the Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine successfully passed the verification procedure as prescribed by the Law of Ukraine On Cleansing of the Authorities. In compliance with this Law, the declaration of income, assets and liabilities for 2013 submitted by the NBU Governor was posted on the website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, and details of income, assets and liabilities were published on the NBU's website. This year the income declaration for 2014 of the NBU Governor has been published on the website of the National Bank of Ukraine, as prescribed by the Law of Ukraine on Principles for Preventing and Countering Corruption.
“In 2014, the best-in-class top-managers from Ukrainian and international companies joined the ranks of NBU civil servants. They are united by a common goal and motivation of reforming the National Bank of Ukraine, altering the governance system by making it more effective and bringing it closer to European standards. These people change the way the public view the civil servants. Today, they are viewed as professionals who have earned a good name, reputation on today's Ukrainian market and are well-off financially. The origin of their income is transparent and comprehensible and is subject to public accountability thanks to the progressive laws," said the NBU Board member and Director of the Personnel Department Roman Borysenko.