Yesterday, the 2014 Annual Report of the National Bank of Ukraine (hereinafter – the Annual Report) was approved by NBU Board Resolution No 227, dated April 9, 2014.
The Consolidated Financial Statements, which are an integral part of the Annual Report, were signed by Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine Valeriia Gontareva and Natalia Samoilova, an Audit Partner at Deloitte Ukraine.
Speaking during the signing ceremony, Valeriia Gontareva emphasized: "Our cooperation with an auditor, Deloitte Ukraine, is underway. We especially appreciate a high level of professionalism demonstrated by your team and your professional approach. In return, Natalia Samilova said: "Deloitte verifies the financial statements of more than twenty central banks across the world and we always stand ready to share best international practices".
As a side note, the Annual Report of the National Bank of Ukraine is submitted to the National Bank of Ukraine Council for approval. The meeting of the NBU Council is tentatively scheduled for April 23, 2015. The Annual Report of the National Bank of Ukraine is compiled annually pursuant to Article 15 of the Law of Ukraine On the National Bank of Ukraine. This Report has been published since 1993 and since 2001 it has been posted on the NBU's official website.