As part of the multidimensional approach to identifying and disclosing ultimate beneficial owners or substantial shareholders of the banking institutions, the National Bank of Ukraine has established the Office for Monitoring of the Bank’s Related Parties.
Oleksandr Zavadetskyi has taken charge of the newly established subdivision.
“The issue of related parties is an important problem currently facing the regulator in its efforts to build a more resilient banking system, – said First Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine Oleksandr Pysaruk. – The employees of the newly established subdivision, who are highly qualified experts in this field, will oversee the process of identifying ultimate beneficial owners and focus their efforts on generalizing information on the bank’s related parties, scrutinizing avoidance schemes used by banks to hide related parties that are indicated in inspection reports and collecting information on bank related parties”.
He added that one of the commitments undertaken by the National Bank of Ukraine under the IMF Extended Fund Facility Program is to ensure the full the transparency of the bank ownership structure.
Oleksandr Zavadetskyi was born on July 16, 1975. In 1999, he graduated from Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University with a degree in Law, majoring in Jurisprudence. Oleksandr Zavadetskyi is fluent in English.
He launched his legal career as a legal adviser in 1996. Later on, for many years, Oleksandr Zavadetskyi was in charge of the legal departments in a number of banking institutions. From 2006 to 2009, he worked as head of the Legal Division at Dragon Capital LLC. Afterwards, Oleksandr Zavadetskyi was employed in the banking industry for 8 years.
In recent years, Oleksandr Zavadetskyi has been practicing law. Starting from 2009 and till his appointment to the National Bank of Ukraine, he was the founder and director of Zavadetskyi Advocates Bureau.
On June 2, 2015, Oleksandr Zavadetskyi was appointed Head of the NBU Office for Monitoring of the Bank’s Related Parties.