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Clearance sales of gold and silver commemorative coins devoted to the final tournament of the 2012 UEFA European Football Championship

In accordance with item 12 of Licensing agreement No. К-4580 of 29 August 2011 signed between the UEFA and the National Bank of Ukraine, the clearance sales of commemorative coins devoted to the final tournament of the 2012 UEFA European Football Championship will run from 1 July 2013 until 30 September 2013.

The coins will be sold through the NBU Operational Office and NBU regional branches only until 30 September 2013.

Retail prices for the commemorative coins devoted to the final tournament of the 2012 UEFA European Football Championship are as follows:

  • “UEFA Euro 2012TM Final Tournament” (gold, 500 g) packaged in a case –  UAH 350,245.00;
  • “UEFA Euro 2012TM Final Tournament” (silver, 2 oz) packaged in a case – UAH 972.00;
  • “UEFA Euro 2012TM Final Tournament. City of Kyiv” (silver,  1 oz) packaged in a case –UAH 580.00;
  • “UEFA Euro 2012TM Final Tournament. City of Donetsk” (silver,  1 oz) packaged in a case – UAH 580.00;
  • “UEFA Euro 2012TM Final Tournament. City of Lviv” (silver,  1 oz) packaged in a case – UAH 580.00;
  • “UEFA Euro 2012TM Final Tournament. City of Kharkiv” (срібло,  1 унція) packaged in a case – UAH 580.00;
  • a set of five silver coins packaged in a suede case – UAH 3,180.00 and a set of five silver coins packaged in a wooden case UAH 3,370.00.

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