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National Bank of Ukraine works on ways to streamline the interaction with organizations using its information protection facilities

The National Bank of Ukraine has drafted  resolutions on the protection of in-house electronic banking documents  and on the rules  governing the assessment of information security in banking and other institutions that use information protection facilities of the National Bank of Ukraine

These draft resolutuions are intended:

  • to streamline the procedure for providing banking and other institutions with NBU information protection facilities enabling access to the  e-payment systems  and/or the ability to perform the information tasks assigned by the National Bank;
  • to establish the centralized rules governing the execution of agreements on the provision of NBU information protection facilities;
  • streamline the rules  governing the assessment of information security in banking and other institutions that use NBU information protection facilities required to gain access to the  e-payment systems  and/or to be able to perform the information tasks assigned by the National Bank.  

The approval of the aforementioned draft resolutions will contribute to streamlining the interection between organizations and the National Bank of Ukraine when carrying out the information security assessment exercises in banking and other institutions that use information protection facilities of the National Bank of Ukraine and when providing them with information protection facilities, and will set out the centralized rules governing the execution of agreements on the provision of NBU information protection facilities.

The requirements set out in these regulations shall be  binding for banking and other institutions using NBU information protection facilities.

The draft regulations intended for public consultation have been posted  on the NBU’s  official website as in accordance with the Law of Ukraine On Fundamentals of the State Regulatory Policy in the Field of Economical Activities  shall be subject to promulgation in order to  receive comments and proposals from legal entities, individuals and  their associations.

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