On 24 March 2016, the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine issued Resolution No.184 On Amendments to the Regulation on the Rules Governing the Issuance of Individual Licenses for the Execution of Money Transfers in Foreign Currency outside Ukraine for the purpose of acquiring Ukrainian External Sovereign Bonds.
The resolution allows the NBU to issue a duplicate license if the original license (the amended license) has been damaged or lost. It also authorizes the NBU to cancel a license if a company (legal entity) is placed into liquidation or if a sole proprietor has been removed from the Single Register of Legal Entities and Sole Proprietors as mandated by applicable Ukrainian laws and regulations. Additionally, Resolution No.184 has mandated that the NBU issues a license (amended license) following the inspection conducted to verify the accuracy of the payment details related to the settlement of a bill for the services related to the issuance of a license (amended license).