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???National Bank of Ukraine Supports an Initiative to Make Available Open Data

The National Bank of Ukraine has complied with data disclosure requirements set out in the   Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 850, dated 21 October 2015, On Approval of the Regulation on Datasets Subject to Disclosure as Open Data.

“The promulgation of open data is one of the best international practices for enhancing public sector transparency.   Open Data make it easier to   access information that is in great demand from a wide circle of users.  These data will be beneficial for the users of financial services, enabling them to make financial decisions based on credible data,” said Head of the NBU Digital Communications Division, Mr Artem Rumiantsev.

The NBU has published 15 datasets, of which 10 datasets are maintained by the NBU in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and 5 datasets that cover the NBU’s activities.  These data are also available on the Unified state web-portal of open data.

Thus, the following data have been published:

1.    Information on the organizational structure

2.    Reports, including reports issued  in response to information requests

3.    Annual procurement plans

4.    Statement of financial position

5.    Directory of Ukrainian banks

6.    Information on qualifying shareholders in Ukrainian banks   

7.    Information on General Licenses for FX Operations  

8.   Non-banking financial institutions that have been granted licenses for money transfers in domestic currency without opening accounts

9.     Data on the key performance indicators of the Ukrainian banks

10.    Ukrainian banking system's overall compliance with prudential ratios

11.   Information on income and expenses of the Ukrainian banks   

12.    Data from the financial statements of the Ukrainian banks

13.  Register of Payment Systems, Settlement Systems,  Participants of These Systems and Payment Infrastructure Service Providers  

14.   NBU regulations

15.    Banks under receivership

Dataset details are posted on the NBU’s website in the “Public information in the form of open data” section. Efforts are underway to furnish these datasets with data available in user friendly xml and json formats.

The NBU started publishing open data last year, gradually expanding the scope of use of open data.   Thus, users and developers have been provided with access to the API page of the official exchange rate of the hryvnia against foreign currencies and banking metals, the results of domestic sovereign bond placement auctions, as well as Ukrainian Index of Interbank Rates.

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