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NBU to Transact Cash Operations under the Single Agreement on Banking and Other Services

As of 1 March 2018, contractual relations of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) with new customers will commence by accepting the Public Offer on entering into the Single Agreement on Banking and Other Services by the National Bank of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the "Public Offer").

The NBU announces the Public Offer for the following services:

  • cash operations in domestic currency;
  • cash operations in domestic currency for bank liquidators.

According to the Single Agreement on Banking and Other Services by the National Bank of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as "SAB") banks will be offered additional options in terms of cash operations as follows:

  • a bank or a branch (with a separate Sort Code) will not be required to enter into an individual agreement with each NBU regional division for cash circulation or the Central Vault to transact cash operations;
  • a bank or a branch (with a separate Sort Code) will select a NBU regional division for cash circulation or the Central Vault to transact cash operations of the respective bank, as well as branches/offices;
  • a bank or a branch (with a separate Sort Code) will file requests to the selected NBU regional division for cash circulation or the Central Vault for cash payng and receiving by its branches/offices in line with the SAB terms and conditions etc.

Respective provisions are detailed in NBU Board Resolution On Approval of Amendments to the Instruction on Performing Cash Operations of Banks in Ukraine No. 6 dated 25 January 2018 (hereinafter referred to as "Resolution No. 6").

Furthermore, Resolution No. 6 prescribes that a bank or a branch (with a separate Sort Code) that entered into SAB, should ensure delivery for examination of domestic currency banknotes not only to regional divisions for cash circulation but also to the Central Vault that will examine banknotes delivered by serviced banks.

The Public Offer enters into effect for a bank as of the date of signature of the Accession Application to SAB, unless otherwise prescribed by the Agreement or set out in the Accession Application, and remains effective until either party decides to terminate the Agreement or on the day the NBU releases a public statement on the official NBU website on revocation of this Public Offer in part or in full.

For more details on the Public Offer and Servicing Terms and Conditions, please, refer to the official NBU website.

Resolution No. 6 comes into effect on 1 March 2018.

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