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NBU Specified Conditions for Granting Licenses for Foreign Exchange Transactions to Banks and Nonbanking Financial Institutions

From 12 Semtember 2016 banks will be able to perform technical rescheduling of existing general licenses for foreign exchange transactions without stating there information on their location. Change of location of a bank or a non-banking financial institution (NFI) will also not require obtaing new general license.

Moreover, NBU supplemented the list of reasons to reject  granting and revoking general licenses to banks. Therefore, regulator has the right to reject granting general license to a banking institution in folowing cases:

  • applying enforcement measures or pelaties to the bank while considering bank’s appication regarding granting general license;
  • declaring bank’s ownership structure to be non-transparent;
  • declaring the bank a problem bank.

Respective amendments approved by NBU Board Resolution No. 380 On Amendemnts to Some Regulatory Documents of the National Bank of Ukraine.

This Resolution amends Regulation on the Procedure for Granting General Licenses for Foreign Exchange Transactions to Banks and Branches of Foreign Banks No. 281 of 15 September 2011.Regulation on the Procedure for Granting General Licenses for Foreign Exchange Transactions to Nonbanking Institutions and the National Post Service Operator No. 297 of 9 August 2002 was also amended.


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