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Mr. Valerii Prokhorenko: National Bank of Ukraine makes efforts to enhance the security of cashless payments

On 5 February 2013, the interagency meeting to address issues related to the prevention and counteraction to fraudulent actions involving the use of payment cards and systems of remote banking services was held for experts responsible for banking security.




The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss problems and work out a set of measures related to interaction between banks and law-enforcement authorities to ensure the prevention and counteraction to fraudulent actions involving the use of payment cards and systems of remote banking services.


The meeting was attended by the representatives of the National Bank of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Security Service of Ukraine, General Prosecution of Ukraine, State Tax Service of Ukraine, State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine, Independent Association of Ukrainian Banks, etc. The meeting was held at the training center of the National Bank of Ukraine.


Highly developed information technologies penetrating deep into every sphere of our society are a very characteristic feature of modern society. This is precisely why the fight against Internet crimes is becoming a burning issue.


“The National Bank of Ukraine is working on the creation of a framework for interaction between customers and banking institutions in the remote banking systems,” said the Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine in his opening speech at the meeting.


Mr. Valerii Prokhorenko emphasized efficient counteraction to cybercrime should deploy a comprehensive set of technical, economic, organizational and legal measures.


“In our view, the work to improve the legal framework for operation of remote banking systems should be carried out in the following directions:


a more streamlined mechanism of interaction between a bank customer, a sending bank (the bank that sends funds), and a recipient’s bank is required in the event of unauthorized withdrawal (write-off) of customer’s funds;


it might be expedient to establish a legal framework for the extension of banks’ mandate, which would allow banks to block a payment transaction under certain conditions;


development and implementation by the National Bank of Ukraine of rules governing the operation of remote banking systems;


creation of conditions for carrying out a comprehensive investigation into disputes that might arise between a bank customer and a bank,” summed up Mr. Valerii Prokhorenko.



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