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Operating Banks Reduced Loss More Than Four Times During the First Niine Months Of 2016

In 2016, during nine months the total loss of operating banks reduced 4.4 times compared to similar period of the last year and it made UAH 11.6 billion. Of 1 October 2015, banks loss made UAH 51.1 billion.

Reduction of loss was mostly due to decrease in provisioning for possible asset operations losses by 58.6%. However, in 2016, for 9 months provisioning made UAH 37.5 billion and remains the most significant factor for formation of negative financial performance of banking system on the whole.

Growth of administrative expense and decrease of net interest income were among other important factors that affected loss.  Of 1 October 2016, net interest income made UAH 32.7 that was almost by UAH 5.5 billion (14.3%) less then of 1 October of the last year. Negative dynamics can be explained by less interest income that was due to reduced loan portfolios of banks and higher interest expense.

Net fee and commission income as of reporting date made UAH 18.2 billion that was  UAH 2 billion (12.8%) more than of 1 October 2015.

In general, banks income for January-September 2016 compared to the respective period in 2015 were less by 4.4% and made UAH 140.1 billion, expenses - by 23.2% and made UAH 151.8 billion.

Of 1 October 2016, negative financial performance of the banking system was mostly formed by loss in total amount of UAH 16.4 billion of five banks with foreign capital from top-20 banks. 30 banks more had loss in total amount of UAH 4 billion. In September, 32 banks had loss of UAH 6.5 billion. From the year start, 65 banks gained income in total amount of UAH 8.8 billion, including in September - 68 banks in amount of UAH 1.5 billion.

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