The National Bank of Ukraine seeks public opinion on a draft resolution of the NBU Board On Amendments to Some Regulations of the National Bank of Ukraine (hereinafter – Draft Resolution).
This document has been drafted in light of legislative amendments and is intended to streamline the procedure for opening, usage of bank accounts, depositing funds in bank customers’ accounts and the execution of non-cash payments.
The Draft Resolution, inter alia, is intended to:
- Repeal the requirement for economic entities to put stamps on documents (including on settlement documents);
- Allow entering into agreements on opening bank accounts and deposit agreements electronically, in public offer to enter into electronically, including through the accession to the public offer to enter into an agreement.
- Allow customers that already hold accounts at the bank to open subsequent bank accounts at this bank remotely by submitting documents via information and telecommunication systems;
- Allow the assignment of claims of claims under the deposit agreement;
- Repeal the requirement for individuals to submit a card with signature samples when opening bank accounts and allow individuals to use the signature samples of an account holder and an authorized signatory listed in the bank account agreement/deposit agreement/power of attorney when operating their bank accounts;
- set out the procedure for opening and usage of the current bank accounts of individuals whose civil capacity is limited; and
- set out the procedure for opening by sole proprietors of current accounts for individuals for making salary payments; and
- improve the operation of customers’ current accounts.
The Draft Resolution is intended to amend the Instruction on the Procedure of Opening, Usage and Closing of Accounts in Domestic and Foreign Currencies approved by the NBU Board Resolution No. 492 of 12 November 2003, the Regulation on the Rules Governing the Execution by Ukrainian Banks of Deposit Banking Transactions with Legal Entities and Individuals approved by NBU Board Resolution No.516 of 3 December 2003 and the Instruction On the Cashless Transfer in Ukraine in Domestic Currency approved by NBU Board Resolution No. 22 of 21 January 2004.