The National Bank of Ukraine has set the periodicity with which the key policy rate is published via publicly available sources, notably the NBU’s website as mandated by the Civil Code of Ukraine.
This move will enable banks to use the NBU’s key policy rate as an indicator in setting a floating lending rate. Relevant information about the key policy rate is available on the NBU’s website.
This information is updated on a regular basis.
First, following the monetary policy decision is made by the NBU Board, the key policy rate is published in accordance with the approved schedule.
On the day when the decision enters into force, the NBU publishes updated data on the key policy rate on the home page of the NBU’s website, as well as in the monetary statistics section and in the “Monetary Policy Decisions” section.
Second, the key policy rate is posted in regular monetary statistical publications in the Financial Corporations Survey (page 2.1) and in the Deposit-taking Corporations Survey (Additional indicators).
As a side note, the NBU Board makes monetary policy decisions in accordance with the Regulation On the Principles of the NBU’s Interest-Rate Policy.
The Regulation was amended by NBU Board Resolution No. 63 of 11 July 2017 On Amendments to the Regulation On the Principles of the NBU’s Interest-Rate Policy.
The resolution shall come into effect from 12 July 2017.