The National bank of Ukraine announces about the next open research seminar which takes place at 2 p.m. on July 20. Dr. Oleksandr Talavera, professor of the Swansea University, presents the results of his research “Managing the diversity: board age diversity, directors’ personal values, and bank performance”. This investigation was carried out jointly with Shuxing Yin and Mao Zhang. Authors find a negative and significant relationship between age diversity and bank performance and argue that age diversity among directors can affect bank performance via their values.
We invites scholars, experts, analysts and business representatives to participate in a discussion on the determinants of bank performance.
The working language of the seminars will be English.
Seminar venue: room 206, 9, Instytutska St., Kyiv. The venue can be accessed via the central entrance. All participants are required to have ID documents. Registration of participants will take place from 1.45 p.m. to 1.55 p.m.
In order to participate in a seminar, all interested stakeholders are required to submit an application, indicating the first and last name of the applicant, place of employment, and contact information (telephone, e-mail) by up to 5 p. m, 18 July 2017 via e-mail to [email protected].
Given the limited seats available, the NBU reserves the right to accept or reject applications. The NBU will inform each applicant as to acceptance or rejection of an application by the end of the day on 19 July 2017.
The National Bank of Ukraine launched a series of research seminars in July 2015. During these seminars, representatives of the academic and expert community, international financial institutions, other central banks, and the NBU have the opportunity to share their research findings and discuss them with peers.
With the aim of arranging further research seminars, we encourage potential contributors to collaborate with us and present the findings of their research studies on issues related to the activities of the NBU and financial system operations. Please send proposals (with an indication of a suitable date for the seminar, presentation materials, an executive summary and/or draft contributions) to the NBU Research Division of the Monetary Policy and Economic Analysis Department for consideration via e-mail at the following addresses: [email protected].