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NBU assumes leadership and coordination of project on raising financial literacy in Ukraine

Over a thousand of Odesa residents of different age groups participated in regional events held as part of the Financial Awareness Days organized by the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) in cooperation with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The events took place in the framework of the project on Ukraine-Financial Sector Transformation (FST) and also with the support of Visa international payment system.

The Financial Awareness Days are the first large-scale regional project aimed at raising the level of financial literacy, which covered:

23 hours of trainings and lectures on topics like currency regulation in Ukraine, cashless fare payments in public transport, consumer lending, investment opportunities in Ukraine, the procedure for withdrawing bankrupt banks from the market, the deposit guarantee system, regional economic development, regulation of banks activity, etc.

40 tours held to a specifically arranged exhibition of the NBU's Museum of Money and the interactive Visa Cashless Zone

10 interactive workshops organized to raise the level of financial literacy of the participants

the presentation of results of the 2016-2017 all-Ukrainian Financial Literacy Survey conducted as part of the USAID-funded Financial Sector Transformation project

meetings of NBU Deputy Governors Roman Borysenko and Oleg Churiy with the companies, members of the Southern Ukrainian Office of the European Business Association

12 leading speakers who delivered speeches to the audiences of different age groups discussing the financial reform topic, regulator’s decisions and policies, which encompassed currency liberalization, as well as current challenges in the realm of monetary policy.

The Financial Awareness Days in Odesa received positive feedback from participants, attendees, media, according to NBU Deputy Governor Roman Borysenko. The project also drew substantial public attention.

"The NBU regularly holds various events in the capital city, which are aimed at enhancing the level of financial literacy of the Ukrainian population. We have decided that it was necessary to expand outreach of our meetings, and we have significantly increased the number of events held in Odesa, particularly those targeting school students and the youth, while conducting three times as many tours," the deputy governor emphasized.

Summing up the project results in Odesa, Mr Borysenko noted that the NBU for more than five years now has been actively involved in the initiatives aimed at raising financial literacy level. This activity is intrinsic to the world’s leading central banks. The NBU has doubled down its efforts on promoting and coordinating the project to raise the level of financial literacy among the Ukrainians.

For reference

The Financial Awareness Days project has been jointly implemented by the NBU and the USAID within the framework of Ukraine—Financial Sector Transformation project and also with the support of Visa international payment system.

The events in the city of Odesa took place on 20-22 September 2017 in partnership with State Higher Educational Institution Banking University, the Deposit Guarantee Fund, and the Independent Association of the Banks of Ukraine.

Event program and schedule in Odesa are available at.

In 2017, the project will cover the events to be held in Odesa, Kharkiv, Lviv, and Dnipro. In 2018, as many as 20 other Ukrainian cities will join.

Financial Awareness Day in Lviv is slated for 17-19 October 2017.

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