On the 4th of November, 2008, Resolution №153 of the National Bank of Ukraine Board dated June 2, 2008, “On Amendments to Some National Bank of Ukraine Regulations” (hereinafter – Resolution) making modifications in the Regulations on the Procedure and Terms of the Foreign Exchange Trade and Rules of Holding the Trading Session and Conducting Some Transactions on Purchase/Sales of the Foreign Exchange and Banking Metals has come into force.
In accordance with the Resolution above the legal entities, acting directly in the inter-bank foreign exchange market on behalf of their customers, shall conduct the transactions on purchase/sales of foreign exchange within the amounts and at the exchange rate specified by the latter in their applications/orders.
At that, the official exchange rate of hryvnia versus foreign currencies will be established by the National Bank of Ukraine on the basis of the trading results in the direct inter-bank foreign exchange market.
At the same time, the hryvnia exchange rates versus foreign currencies for cashless and cash transactions will drift together.
This is to improve conformity of the official exchange rate of hryvnia with the dynamics of situation development in the foreign exchange market of the country.