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NBU Expands Scope Of Data About Banks For Disclosures

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) continues implementing measures aimed at enhancing transparency of the banking system. To this end, the NBU has made a decision to expand the scope of data on financial standing of banks and their compliance with prudential requirements that will be subject to disclosure on the NBU’s website and websites of commercial banks.

Starting from March, the NBU will launch monthly publications of values of economic (prudential) ratios and regulatory capital components in terms of specific banks. Data on economic ratios published currently pertain to the whole banking system. The first publication covering indicators in the context of specific banks will disclose the February 2018 data.

These data will also be made available on banks’ official websites before the tenth day of each month.

Ukrainian banks will also start publishing trial balances, data on the structure of their loan portfolios by economic activity, as well as on the quality of loan portfolios. Information will be made public on their websites.

Trial balances for the reporting month will be published by the 25th day of a month following the reporting one, and for December – by 1 February next year. Data for the reporting year including adjusting entries will be published by banks by 25 April of the year following the reporting one.

Data on distribution of loans provided to individuals and legal entities by class of borrowers covering the reporting month will be published by the 25th day of the month following the reporting one, and for December - by 1 February next year.

Data on the structure of corporate loans by types of economic activity are slated for publication on an annual basis by 1 February of the year following the reporting one.

The planned measures seek to enhance banks’ transparency, which will benefit investors, creditors, depositors and other bank customers.

Publication requirements are laid down in NBU Board Resolution No. 11 On Specifying Scope of Data To Be Disclosed By Ukrainian Banks dated 15 February 2018. The Resolution comes into effect from 20 February 2018.

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