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In 2017 the NBU Received Citizen’s Appeals by 5.45% Less, Than in 2016

Over 2017, the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) received and registered 15,434 citizen’s appeals, which is 5.45% less, than in 2016.

All citizen’s appeals were registered, considered in the proper manner, and following the review respective actions were taken. As a result, 2,479 appeals were resolved, arguments in writing were provided in response to 8,557 appeals, another 269 are pending. The remaining appeals were reviewed in line with Articles 5, 7, 8 and 17 of the Law of Ukraine On Citizen's Appeals and respectively forwarded, duly noted or returned to senders.

Conventionally, the most frequent subject of citizen’s appeals to the NBU throughout the past year remained relations under loan agreements between borrowers and banks (4,693 requests).

The larger portion of appeals (9,642) were filed to the NBU by mail i.e. from citizens, authorized persons, the media, state authorities, other institutions and organizations. Some appeals were filed by citizens in person and during a personal meeting. The NBU received 2,871 appeals by electronic means (the NBU e-mail, form the state institution the Government Contact Center, by the Electronic Interaction System for Executive Authorities (CEB). 2,921 appeals were communicated through the hot-line of the regulator.

Over the reporting period the NBU held 95 personal meetings with citizens (2016 accounted for 104 meetings).

We would like to remind you that the NBU publishes data on receipt, status and type of review of citizens’ appeals for the year 2017 in compliance with the Law of Ukraine On Citizen's Appeals.

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