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National Bank of Ukraine Streamlines Requirements to Collateral Considered for Credit Risk Measuring

According to the outcomes of the joint efforts the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) and the State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPFU) on improving access for banks to the SPFU information on appraising agencies engaged in collateral appraisal of banks, the NBU has amended the Regulation On Measuring Credit Risk Generated by Banks’ Asset Operations, approved by NBU Board Resolution No. 351 dated 30 June 2016.

Hence, to receive such information banks no longer need to file a request to the SPFU, but rather harness data released on the official SPFU web-site. Furthermore, the NBU has established the period and deadline for the banks to take into account the SPFU information for estimating credit risk.

Respective amendments were introduced by NBU Board Resolution No. 49 On Approval of Amendments to the Regulation for Measuring Credit Risk Generated by Banks’ Asset Operations dated 3 May 2018 that enters into effect on 5 May 2018.

Please be reminded that the NBU Board by Resolution No. 351 dated 30 June 2016 has approved the Regulation for Measuring Credit Risk Generated by Banks’ Asset Operations. The objective of this Regulation is to ensure proper and timely assessment of credit risk by banks, which will promote accurate estimation of capital and improve the financial soundness of the banking sector.

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